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吉他英雄之史蒂夫奧密特傳奇 原聲帶 CD


  • Steve Ouimette - Epic

  • 內容簡介

    吉他英雄之史蒂夫奧密特傳奇 原聲帶 CD

    吉他英雄之史蒂夫奧密特傳奇 Steve Ouimette - Epic

    An eclectic mix of guiter-laden virtuosity and wide reaching styles, "Epic" shines new light on guitar instrumental music by fusing cinematic drama and intensity with morden rock production.

    Accompanying the 10 original songs are 4 bonus tracks from "Guiter Hero".

    Includes "Epic Extras", a bonus DVD with behind-the-scenes footage, interviews on the making of "Epic" and two guitar lessons.



    01.Speaking In Tongues
    02.!El Toro!
    03.A Dark Reversal
    04.I Saw God
    05.Lou’s Revenge
    06.This Is Scorpion Gulch
    07.Fear And Reverence
    08.The Divining Witch
    09.Neverending Fog
    10.Mr. Bones
    CD2 - As heard in Guitar Hero

    01.Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
    02.Dueling Banjos
    03.We Three Kings
    04.The Devil Went Down To Georgia


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